This evening, the Parliament passed the 3rd Constitutional Amendment without resistance, which was proposed by AFLF and introduced new reforms such as the defining of the emergency powers of the Prime Minister, the definition of high treason, as well as the requirement of a national referendum for further amendments to the constitution.

The three-page document outlined the new limitations and definitions of the emergency powers of a Prime Minister during times of crisis, which included a 4-day limit without parliament approval to the state of emergencies, temporary immunity, post-state of emergency judicial review among further limitations. AFLF Chairman and the Prime Minister Truman, who has been the primary person spearheading this amendment had the following to say about the emergency powers;

The current system, though functional, is far too volatile and far too vague, making it susceptible to abuse. Though all the Prime Ministers thus far in Rosavian history have employed it sparingly and employed it meaningfully, that is not to say that some subversive agent of antidemocracy may manipulate it for their own gains. Thus, what I have introduced are comprehensive and precise limitations to the emergency powers. The most important thing to note about this change is that it consolidates and even weakens the power of the emergency powers.

Another change brought by the amendment was the introduction of national referendums for future constitutional amendments, and required that half of the voters vote in favour of the amendment. Previously, the constitution only required that at least 2/3 of all MPs voted in favour of an amendment. Truman commented;

What is valued more in the foundation of a republic than the written work that sets everything into being? And what is more important to the republic then but the protection and preservation of the values inscribed therein? These changes I have put forth will further sanctify the greatness of our cherished Republic by not only making it more difficult to radically alter our foundational ideals but also by putting forth the moments of great change to the people to decide - giving the hands of the future of the republic directly to it's constituents.

The last change within the amendment was the introduction of the term 'High Treason', which was defined as "Betrayal of [Rosavian Identity] through willful malicious acts against the Republic and its institutions or through willful malicious acts against national security are acts of high treason, to be judged by the Supreme Court." When interviewing AFLF on this matter, the AFLF officials kept insisting that we call the reform 'National Security' instead of 'High Treason', then 'National Security & High Treason', then 'Middle to High Treason". Either way, we decided to keep the reform name as 'High Treason', and they have answered the question;

Recent data from all around shows a general decline in national cohesiveness and patriotism. Though certainly this is due in no small part to a loud minority of bad faith actors who wish to stir radicalism where there typically is patriotism and devotion to the Republic, it is regardless still an issue. With this change, we've officialised implied wording to mark a legal precedence, a sort of constitutional note on what citizens ought to do and ought not to.